The Long Exit from the Snake Pole Days recounts the tale of a 12-year-old boy―Ernestino Salvatore―in a small town in the Campagna region of Italy. He first awakens to the realities of life when he mistakenly pinches a massive black snake while picking blackberries. Frightened and shocked by the experience, his father makes him a snake pole and teaches him how to use it to avoid future encounters. The father’s bewildering explanation about snakes―their color, their nature, and being most lethal when standing up intertwined and kissing―serves as an example as to how confusing the grown-up world can be. As young Ernestino journeys to adulthood, you’ll sense the scorching heat, the burning soil, the pain of thistles, and the harshness of farm life. His plan to flee his hometown to get away from farming and the ordeal he’d undergo comes to a surprisingly quick and unexpected end.The author hopes you'll find this first book of a trilogy covering the life of Ernestino Salvatore both authentic and entertaining.